Next Level Board

There are some things you just can’t discuss with your family, friends or employees.


Problems that would scare them. Decisions that would affect them. And options that need to stay confidential.

The Next Level Board gives you a trusted group that understands. No more “being lonely at the top”. Get the right support, solutions, and guidance you need.


The Next Level Board validates your plans for boosting your company's valuation and strengthening your balance sheet.

None of these entrepreneurs belong to the same industry as you so they never compete with you. Think of the group as your private, trusted, most confidential mastermind.

A safe space to unload your anxieties, share the fears that keep you awake at night and get unbiased advice on your most pressing problems.


Rajesh’s wonderful sense of humour and playful attitude keeps you engaged throughout.


Full-day monthly workshops

We follow a 2:1:1 rhythm each quarter. Two days in January, one day each in February and March. And this cycle repeats every quarter.



Rajesh hosts two webinars during the month. These are designed as assignment tutorials and help you gain deep insights into what’s being taught.


Mastermind meetings

Become a pro shareholder for your peers and look at things from two main angles - how much money will you earn? How will the value of the company increase?

Harness thse skills to grow your own business.

At the same time, your peers act as shareholders of your company, holding you accountable to make more money and increase its valuation.

These meetings are held on two alternate Saturdays and Thursdays from 3 pm to 6 pm. Choose the day that suits you. Either a Saturday or a Thursday.


Laser Coaching

A 30-minute teleconferencing session with Rajesh that helps you solve your biggest business bottlenecks. Students receive enormous breakthroughs working one-on-one with Rajesh, who is deeply committed to making you win.


Rajesh on-demand

Rajesh is available to you for anything you need during the course of the program. If you have sleepless nights, Rajesh will be willing to help even at 5 am. He follows a simple philosophy. He doesn’t want to sleep if you can’t sleep.

Having said that, we ask that you use this privilege sparingly, honoring the great amount of respect and regard Rajesh has for you.

This privilege is strictly reserved for business emergencies where you need an experienced sounding board to help you craft a workable strategy to move forward.


The Levelup App

The app helps maximize your ROI and simplifies your engagement. It holds you accountable by sending you reminders for Action Plans you will create on a weekly basis.

The App provides all the insights Rajesh needs to serve you. You are strongly encouraged to include the App in your daily life and spend at least 10 minutes updating your status.

/ CEOs like you speak about the results they’ve obtained through this program.

“The Next Level Board is a powerful tool that makes you accountable to yourself through the board. Someone will always be there to hold you accountable, and ask the right questions so you can accomplish more in the shortest amount of time.”


Himanshu Vashishta

CEO, SixthFactor

“Everyone associated with this program is incredibly brilliant and generous with their time. There are high expectations of you and they hold you to account to hone your leadership competencies. You get to become a World-class CEO.”


George Thomas

CEO, Pinnacle Computer Systems

“This program fine-tuned my leadership abilities, giving me a foundation for the next stage of my career – taking on the challenging role of COO of a 70+ company of IT professionals.”


Pramod Kurian

COO, Pinnacle Computers

“The Next Level Board has been an absolute game-changer for me. It provides a community of like-minded individuals who truly understand the challenges of leadership. No longer do I feel 'lonely at the top'”


Mohammad Najam Siddiqui

MEA Business Head, Tritorc

These results make me happy. Very happy! But I’m not surprised.
These are the norm, not the exception.

Bottom line?

The Next Level Board program works.

You too can get the same results as George, Pramod, and Najam.

Click here to join



  • How much does the program cost?Down Arrow

    $2500 per month in the group Next Level Board program.

    $5000 per month in the inhouse Next Level Board program.

    Fill out the application form to get started.

  • How do I apply for the program?Down Arrow

    Fill out the application form completely so we know the details surrounding your current situation. Once it’s determined that you are right for the program, we'll get back to you with the next steps for enrollment.

    Note: Please fill out all application fields completely. These questions are designed to paint an accurate portrait of where you and your organization currently stand. We will not be able to proceed with partially filled applications.

    You can expect to hear back from us in a day or two with details of your first Laser Coaching Session.

  • What happens after I make the first payment? Down Arrow

    Once you apply to the Next Level Board, we’ll send you the fee and payment terms.

    We break the fee down into affordable monthly payments. We've found that it works better to give you the fee after you apply. This way you can focus on the program and what you want to get out of it before you calculate whether it will fit your budget or not.

    Given that participants have achieved significant ROI from their investments from 500% to 1,000%, the fee is low in comparison. Please do not let concerns about the fee stop you from applying.

    All Next Level Board Participants relate to the fees as an Investment as opposed to a Cost. Perhaps the best investment with such a high ROI yield, as measured in terms of increase at the GP level as opposed to an increase in Sales.

  • What if I don’t see the results you promise?Down Arrow

    The Next level Board program has worked for all the 350 CEOs I’ve taught it to. And I know it will work for you too.

    Having said that, I’m offering you a risk-free, iron-clad guarantee. Which means you don’t risk anything by diving in right now.

    Here’s how it works.

    • 1Diligently implement the tools and techniques I teach you.
    • 2Provide monthly updates on your progress and results.
    • 3Ask for help if you face difficulties with implementing any of the techniques you’ve learned.

    If you fail to achieve significant results personally and professionally at any time during the program, let me know.

    I will give you a quick and courteous refund. No questions asked.

    There’s something I want you to know: In my 30 years of experience, I have never come across any participant who has implemented the tools and techniques taught in our programs and failed to achieve significant results.

    I stand firmly by my guarantee.

    You risk nothing as long as you give it your best shot.

    Now, go ahead and click on the link below to get started.

Let’s get you started!
Click here to apply for
the Next Level Board