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CEO Reinvention

95% of CEOs fail to grow their business after the first 5 years.

Low Sales & Profits.
Demotivated Teams.
Slow Revenue Growth.


The CEOs who break through don't follow the herd
They reinvent themselves.

Successful business leaders challenge the status quo.
Learn, master and implement their strategies.
The Reinvention Program gets you there with:


For CEOs who want to get to the next level. Fast.

350 CEOs had built successful businesses with a combined asset base of $3.5 billion.

Now they were looking to scale.

But their core teams weren’t motivated. They lacked ownership. They weren’t aligned.

Their cash flow was bumpy. Sales took a hit. They weren’t able to grow their top-line.

The result?

The CEOs were buried neck-deep in work and felt like one-man armies - Lonely at the top. Confused. Stressed. Troubled.

They felt stagnant, locked in mediocrity and longed to break free.

They wanted DIY ideas and tools to accelerate growth and increase sales, productivity and valuation.

So they read books, attended seminars and implemented strategies taught by business gurus and world class MBA school professors.

But nothing worked.

Until they joined the ‘Reinvention’ Program:

  • Forums that engage, challenge and entertain key leaders.
  • A board that validates your strategies to achieve unprecedented results.
  • An aligned core team, for flawless execution.

12 months later they couldn’t recognize themselves.

Their energy levels had shifted completely. Their core teams were now their closest partners.

The bottlenecks in their business no longer slowed them down.

Cash generation had increased 10x. They could deliver results in ⅓ the time.

The CEOs had achieved effortless growth.

The road from good to extraordinary starts here.




I've been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years and have consulted, mentored, advised and coached over 350 CEOs and Business Leaders with over $3.5 billion in assets.

Many of their problems are the same:

  • Feel lonely at the top
  • Less prospects that convert
  • Poor cash flows
  • Low profits
  • Low productivity
  • Low customer satisfaction & loyalty
  • Team does not take ownership

They all say I've pushed them out of their comfort zones, forced them to focus tirelessly on clients, and helped them build enduring momentum - all while developing a friendship bond that serves as a solid basis for the partnership.

While my work will create massive shifts in your life, career, or business …my approach will always be full of fun, warmth, and wit.

I invite you to show up and play, every single day. Instead of being stressed and worried.

/ Business owners like you share their experiences

“I reached a plateau and did not know how to grow my landscaping and interior design company. This program created a breakthrough and I got transformed from being a good manager to an able CEO.”


Sejal Nagjee

CEO, Milestone Landscaping

“I’ve worked with a number of different coaches and I have never seen anything like what Rajesh brings. Rajesh is able to hold you accountable, and at the same time, enjoy the friendship - it is a magical relationship.”


Bijay Shah

Master Franchisee, BNI ME

“Rajesh’s depth of knowledge, focus, tenacity, and total commitment to draw out the best leadership capabilities from within each one in my team is truly amazing. He engages us, challenges us, and pushes us right out of our comfort zones.”


Ruth Muiruri

Director, Wilmar Flowers

“We were slowly pushed out of our comfort zones, made to focus relentlessly on clients and build a growth momentum that hasn’t slowed down ever since. We increased our GP by over US$ 3.25 Million within 2 years.”


Sajith Ansar

Founder & CEO, Idea Spice


For CEOs who want to get to the next level. Fast.


1. Caliber

We vet every potential participant to ensure that not only are they ambitious to take their business to the next level, but that they are ready to take their people and their organization as a whole to the next level. We're that picky!

2. Process

The program deeply addresses your Inner Game and your Outer Game simultaneously. Unless there is perfect alignment with both, your inner life (thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, focus, mood) and your outer game (strategy, execution, people, cash) your true potential will remain unfulfilled.

3. Mastermind

The caliber and diversity of the Reinvention Program combine to create a powerful learning, developmental, and supportive environment infused with real-life experiences that will give you the tools and skills necessary to achieve your goals.

4. Community

The Program includes leadership development, experiential learning and networking opportunities. You will never feel lonely at the top again. You will forge bonds that will last a lifetime.

5. Laser Coaching

The information, strategies and techniques provided in the Reinvention Program will enable you to inspire ownership within your organization. We make sure you implement what you learn. Each step of the way you'll get training, guidance, and coaching to put what you've learned into action.

How do I know if I’m right for this?

You’re the right fit if any of these apply to you:

  • You are the owner or chief decision maker. You have the key accountability and responsibility to make profits and increase the value of the company.
  • You have more than 10 full-time employees.
  • You have a steady sales turnover of over AED 3 Million with a GP of minimum 30%. We may accept those who are making less, depending on other factors, such as achievable growth plans and resources to make things happen.

We offer opportunities to test-drive our process to gain insights into what the program offers, how everything works, will it work for you.


  • Will the other participants be quality business people?Down Arrow

    Rajesh meets each applicant for a relaxed chat to learn first hand if there is a fit between what they are seeking and what they can provide to enrich the Community.

    Admitted applicants are successful, professional, and innovative.

  • Is it really possible to increase my cash flow and revenue significantly?Down Arrow

    Not only is it possible but we’ve seen it happen over and over again! Most of the past participants have surpassed their wildest expectations and financial goals.

    However we can’t guarantee the speed at which every participant achieves these goals. Some will reach this goal during the program itself, or after the program ends, while others may take a little more time.

    It depends upon your commitment, effort and dedication to applying what you learn. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and will continue to guide you along your path to success.

  • What if I have to miss one or more of the monthly coaching sessions?Down Arrow

    This is a common concern. Life happens.

    We request you prioritize your sessions. Unless absolutely necessary, try not to arrange anything that will conflict with your sessions.

    All sessions are recorded and made available online following the session.

  • Which program should I do first?Down Arrow

    I recommend that you take at least two out of these three programs. Because any tool you take is going to give you the traction that you require. My recommendation is start with the forum and core team first, and then come into the board.

    Because there's no point going to the board if your core team is not aligned.

    It’s better if you first join the next level forum and core team. Once you've obtained what you wanted out of the first two programs, join the next level board.

  • What is the investment I will need to make?Down Arrow

    Click on the program you’re interested in, to find the cost.


The Reinvention program has worked for all the 350 CEOs I’ve taught it to. And I know it will work for you too.

Having said that I’m offering you a risk-free, iron-clad guarantee. Which means you don’t risk anything by diving in right now.

Here’s how it works.

  • 1Diligently implement the tools and techniques I teach you.
  • 2Provide monthly updates on your progress and results.
  • 3Ask for help if you face difficulties with implementing any of the techniques you’ve learned.

If you fail to achieve significant results personally and professionally at any time during the program, let me know.

I will give you a quick and courteous refund. No questions asked.

There’s something I want you to know: In my 30 years of experience, I have never come across any participant who has implemented the tools and techniques taught in our programs and failed to achieve significant results.

Having said that, I stand firmly by my guarantee.

You risk nothing as long as you give it your best shot.

/ It’s up to you. You have two options.


You can keep doing what you’re doing. Nothing will change and you might feel bottlenecked, like a fast car stuck in slow moving traffic.


You could choose to register and get started right away on your journey of becoming the extraordinary CEO everyone respects and admires.

The choice is yours but if you feel that the Reinvention program is what you need
to move to the next level of success in your life and business -
then go ahead and click the button at the bottom of this page to register.


For CEOs who want to get to the next level. Fast.